West Orange in Real Estate Business

West Orange Residents to Vote on Economic Development Corporation

in Government

West Orange is offering its citizens the opportunity to enhance the quality of life of their current and future residents to help provide resources for growth and the creation of jobs for their residents.

On November 7, 2023, West Orange citizens will have an opportunity to support an election to enhance the future of West Orange by supporting a referendum to provide for establishing an Economic Development Corporation that helps to create jobs, infrastructure improvements, neighborhood enhancements, and overall quality of life improvements.

The creation of this Corporation does not affect residents’ property taxes in any way but will help West Orange grow and be more attractive to future businesses and area improvements.

If passed, the Economic Development Corporation would be created and made up of seven citizens who would be in charge of reviewing projects and proposals.

Early voting begins October 23, 2023, and will be considered with the state and County elections.