Pictured L to R: Katie Durio, Stable Spirit; Elizabeth Campbell, Jackson Community Center; Rhonda Powell, Greater Orange Area Literacy Services; Mayor Larry Spears Jr., City of Orange; Rita Monson, Grants Planner, City of Orange; Kristin Burman, Orange Community Action Association (Meals on Wheels); Mary McKenna, Southeast Texas Hospice

April 10-14 Proclaimed Community Development Week

in Government

Mayor Larry Spears Jr. has proclaimed the week of April 10-14th as National Community Development Week.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development implemented the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program in 1974 for the purpose of providing local governments with the financial resources to assist low- and moderate-income persons.

The City of Orange has clearly demonstrated the capacity to administer the CDBG Program to identify, prioritize, and resolve pressing local problems. The CDBG Program has made a significant impact on our community through nonprofit organizations to address neighborhood and human needs, park and water improvements, and clearance and demolition of dilapidated buildings.