WOCCISD Provides Meals for Virtual Learners

WOCCISD Board of Trustees Adopts a Remote Learning Platform Resolution

in Schools

Updated 10-5-21

From WOCCISD Superintendent, Dr. Harris:: “I was just informed that our remote learning platform provider, Proximity Learning, will not be able to provide a virtual platform at this time due to staffing shortages. Unfortunately, at this time, we will not be able to offer a remote option that meets the requirements of the Texas Education Agency. We will continue to research other platforms that may be available to service our district. I will notify you once another provider is secured. Thank you for your support.”

During the Monday, September 27, 2021, regular board meeting, the board of trustees of the West Orange Cove Consolidated Indpeend School District (WOCCISD) adopted a resolution to offer a remote learning platform to eligible WOCCISD students.

The WOCCISD remote learning platform and remote learning plan follow the requirements and guidelines set forth by the State of Texas and the Texas Education Agency (TEA), as detailed in Senate Bill 15. Senate Bill 15 allows districts the choice to offer a remote learning option and continue to be funded for up to 10 percent of the district’s total enrollment

The 2021-22 remote learning plan is much different than the 2020-21 remote learning plan. Senate Bill 15 states that for students to be eligible for remote learning, the student must meet certain

  •  If a student participated in remote learning for a minimum of 50% of the 2020-21 school year, the student must have passed all STAAR/EOC assessments, passed all core content classes, and must have maintained a minimum of 90% attendance rate.
  • If a student did not participate in remote learning for a minimum of 50% of the 2020-21 school year, the student is eligible, pending district approval.

It is important to remember that campus administration has the right to determine which students are suitable for the remote learning platform. Additionally, the district will not provide remote learners with technology devices. If a student chooses to learn remotely, the student much obtain all necessary technology and internet connectivity prior to remote enrollment.

For more information concerning the remote learning platform, contact your child’s campus principal or Ashton Knox, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction.

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