West Orange Schedules Spring Cleanup

West Orange Announces Spring Cleanup April 5-6

in Government

The city of West Orange has scheduled a spring cleanup for April 5-6, 2024, from 9 AM to 3 PM. Dumpsters will be available behind the West Orange Fire Station for use by West Orange residents only between 9 AM and 3 PM each day of the Spring Cleanup. Proof of residency and photo ID will be required at the drop site.

No hazardous materials, tires, batteries, paint, etc. will be accepted. Normal household waste will not be accepted. Any items containing Freon must be drained of Freon and tagged by an individual certified to do that type of work.

Appliances, furniture, metals, and green waste will be accepted but must be brought to the drop site. The City will be unable to make any arrangements for special pickups.

For more info, contact West Orange City Hall at (409) 883-4552.