When you see the beautiful flowers growing at #3731 Bowling Lane in Orange, you will know that Louis Ardoin enjoys working in his yard and seeing his plants grow.
The raised beds at the front of the house have a nicely arranged mix of plants, set off by various borders of stones and wood at different levels. Two of those plants completely surprised him by spouting tall blooms just shortly after being planted. But they only lasted a few days and then disappeared.
The wood-boarded garden along 37th Street actually serves more than just beauty. Mr. Ardoin designed that garden to also keep excess water from the street drainage from overflowing onto his lawn – and it works. The tall Mexican Petunias in that bed provide constantly beautiful purple blooms.
Mr. Ardoin moved to Orange from Atlanta, Georgia, for a position in the transportation industry. His choice for a home on Bowling Lane enabled him to walk to work each day. He has since retired and spends considerable time keeping his property beautiful.
Keep Orange County Beautiful (KOCB) recognizes and applauds the work that Louis Ardoin has done to improve not only his neighborhood but also the western edge of the City of Orange as it transitions into an industrial park on Tulane Road in Orange County.
Mrs. Sandra Hoke, a member of KOCB’s Board of Directors, presented Louis Ardoin with their Summer 2022 Beautification Award on Thursday, August 18, 2022.
KOCB’s mission is easily expressed as “Trees & Trash” – more trees, less trash. You can learn more about them on their website.