"Retail To Go" Model Starts April 24

“Retail To Go” Model Starts April 24

in Coronavirus Updates

Executive Order GA-16 authorizes the re-opening of retail businesses under a temporary “Retail-To-Go” model effective April 24, 2020

Customers may purchase items from a retail location for pickup, delivery by mail, or delivery to the customer’s doorstep, but may not enter the premises.

Retail To Go

  • All payments should be done over the phone or internet if possible, and contact should be minimized if remote payment is not available.
  • Purchased items should be delivered by the employee to the back seat or trunk of the customer’s vehicle whenever possible to minimize physical contact with the customer.
  • Employees must wash or sanitize their hands after each interaction with a customer, and whenever possible, must disinfect any item that came into contact with the customer.

Retail Delivery to Customer’s Doorstep

  • All payments should be done over the phone or internet if possible, and contact should be minimized if remote payment is not available.
  • Purchased items should be delivered by an employee or third party carrier and delivered to the customer’s doorstep. The employee or third-party carrier may not enter the customer’s
    house or business.

Retail Delivery by Mail

  • All payments must be done over the phone or on the internet.
  • Purchased items should be delivered by mail without customer contact.

The customer should wash or sanitize their hands after the transaction


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