Orange Rotary Installs New Officers

in Business

On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, the Orange Rotary Club held its installation meeting and swore in new officers. The new board consists of Sarah Boehme, Paul Dickerson, Sue Denosowicz, Kristin Placette, Sherry Hommel, David May, Gracie Henry, Mankopf, Emily Mellon, Lorrie Taylor, and Maureen McAllister.

Kristin Placette was recognized for her year of service as Club President. New President Heather Mankopf and the 2023-24 board were sworn in by Rebekah Maxwell from the Beaumont Club, with Past District Governor Becky Mason in attendance.

Eddie Toohey was recognized for 32 years of perfect attendance, along with Gracie Henry for 15 years of perfect attendance and Sarah Boehme for 11 years.