Orange County Takes Action Against Escalating Mosquito Problem

in Local Roundup

Orange County Judge John Gothia has announced a proactive response to a significant mosquito infestation affecting all of Southeast Texas.

“It’s been one of our worst years in the past several years that we’ve had. We’ve been talking to other county judges, and they’re having the same issues,” Gothia stated.

To tackle the issue, the county has allocated $101,000 for increased mosquito spraying, essential for combating the growing insect population. Without this additional funding, the county would have exhausted its insecticide supply before year-end.

“$101,000 is what we approved in court. We’re into next year’s budget of allocated mosquito spray. We’ve already spent our entire budget for mosquito spray this year, and we still have five months to go,” Gothia explained.

The county employs mosquito control insecticide  Fyfanon for ground and aerial spraying after dark, concentrating efforts near waterways and high-water areas. Over the past three years, the county has averaged slightly over 3,000 gallons of insecticide annually for aerial use. However, the recent request included an additional 1,300 gallons.

Since October, over 4,400 gallons of insecticide have been utilized, surpassing the average coverage area with only half the fiscal year completed.

“We’re staying on top of it as best we can. We make every opportunity to fly when we can fly and drive when we can drive,” said Gothia.

Residents are advised to eliminate standing water around their homes to reduce mosquito breeding grounds.

For more information on protecting yourself from the mosquito surge, go to the Orange County Emergency Management website.