Lamar State College Orange Tuition Capped by TSUS Board of Regents

LSCO to Name Future Plaza After Gatemouth Brown

in Schools

Lamar State College Orange (LSCO) is pleased to announce that the new plaza currently under construction on campus will be named “Gatemouth Plaza” in honor and in memory of the late Grammy award-winning and multi-talented musician and Orange native, Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown.

LSCO President, Dr. Thomas Johnson, brought the concept to the Texas State University System Board of Regents in order to create a permanent place to honor Orange’s own music legend.

The Board unanimously approved the motion to name the plaza after Brown at their recent meeting in San Marcos held at Texas State University.

The new “Gatemouth Plaza” will be unveiled at LSCO’s Octoberfest in the fall.

“Our fall festival is always a terrific event where the community comes to campus see all that LSCO has to offer, and this year it will be doubly so because of the naming of this new landmark. We are excited to celebrate Gatemouth, his legacy, and his importance to Orange. We appreciate the Board of Regents for their enthusiastic approval of this effort,” said President Johnson.

Look for more information about the ribbon-cutting and LSCO’s October fall festival later this year.