City of Orange Applying for Additional Harvey Disaster Relief Funds

City of Orange Poised for Growth in 2024

in Business/Government

The City of Orange is about to bring a wave of exciting changes that promise to make Orange an even better place to live, work, and play in 2024. The city’s leaders have been hard at work planning and implementing various projects to accommodate the growing population and improve our community.

One of the most eagerly anticipated renovations is at the Cove Recreation Center, where exciting changes are on the horizon. A play escape is in the works, and a children’s village is set to be installed. This project is scheduled to kick off in January, and Knauf believes it will significantly enhance the quality of life for both residents and children in the Cove area.

The city has plans to add a brand-new parking lot at the Riverside Pavilion to accommodate more visitors. It’s clear that Orange is taking proactive steps to bolster its infrastructure and services in preparation for the arrival of new residents and businesses.

In late January, the city council will be considering a contract for the demolition of the Sabine Park Apartments, which are now under new management. These apartments have long been a concern due to their deteriorating condition, and the city aims to improve sanitation and safety for the neighboring community by taking down the next section of the complex.

Orange is also tackling drainage issues head-on. Crews are gearing up to add concrete lining to Coopers Gully drains, which will help facilitate faster drainage. It’s a crucial step in addressing a significant concern for our community, and the city has pledged to continue these drainage improvements throughout 2024.

Thanks to the installation of new tourist signs, tourists and residents will soon find it easier to navigate around town. These signs will guide visitors to popular landmarks like the museum and Lutcher Theater, reinforcing Orange’s welcoming attitude towards tourism.

As 2024 unfolds, Orange is poised for tremendous growth and development. From tearing down old buildings on 16th Street to make way for new businesses to exciting renovations at the Cove Recreation Center, there’s a lot to look forward to in the coming year.

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