City of Orange Applying for Additional Harvey Disaster Relief Funds

City of Orange Applying for Additional Harvey Disaster Relief Funds

in Government
The City of Orange is submitting to the Texas General Land Office a supplemental application for disaster relief funds, Hurricane Harvey, CDBG-DR-4332. The Texas General Land Office is the state administrative agency or “grantee” for the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery funds (CDBG-DR) provided through the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development.
Citizens are invited to provide comments on the City of Orange’s infrastructure program supplemental application to the Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery for Hurricane Harvey (CDBG-DR-4332). These projects total $3,597,680.00 and include:
1. Regional Emergency Radio Tower – $1,797,026
2. Old Town Storm Gates – $1,919,608
3. Cooper’s Gully Channel Improvements, Phase 3 – $608,372
A Public Hearing will be held during the virtual Orange City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, at 9:00 a.m.