Orange City Council Approves Key Economic Development Projects

in Government

The Orange City Council has approved several key economic development initiatives, including supporting local businesses, expanding affordable housing, and improving animal welfare services. These decisions reflect the city’s ongoing commitment to community growth and improving the quality of life for its residents.

$50,000 Economic Development Grant for Child’s Hardware

The City Council approved a $50,000 grant from the Orange Economic Development Corporation (EDC) to Child’s Hardware, located at 3704 North 16th Street. The store, owned by District 2 Councilor Brad Childs, will use the funds for business improvements and expansion. Per ethical guidelines, Councilor Childs recused himself from the vote.

Support for Affordable Senior Housing – Orange Trails Apartment Complex

The Council also passed a resolution endorsing the Orange Trails Senior Apartment Complex, a proposed 62-unit housing development by Trinity Housing Development. If the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs approves the complex for tax credits, it will provide affordable housing for senior residents with incomes between $27,000 and $37,000 per year. Rent prices are expected to range from $700 to $1,000 per month, depending on unit size and tenant income.

The complex is planned for 4438 27th Street, located within the city’s Interstate Development Corridor, providing accessibility to essential services and amenities.

$46,200 ASPCA Grant for Animal Shelter Improvements

In a positive step for local animal welfare, Fire Chief John Bilbo announced that the City of Orange has been awarded a $46,200 grant from the ASPCA. The funding will be used to construct a fenced exercise and meet-and-greet area at the city’s animal shelter. The space will include sunshades and benches, creating a more comfortable environment for the animals and prospective adopters. Notably, this project requires no city funding.

These initiatives, alongside the recent $400,000 economic development grant for USG Paper’s $715 million investment in the former International Paper plant, highlight the City of Orange’s dedication to fostering economic development, supporting local businesses, and improving the quality of life for its residents.