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WOS High School Receives Grant From Dow Industries

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WOS High School Receives Grant From Dow Industries

Exciting things are coming to West Orange-Stark High School engineering program. With the partnership of DOW industries, a $5,000 grant has been awarded to their engineering program.

Teachers are being trained in Project Lead the Way curriculum, which promotes STEM education using a hands-on approach to real-world problem-solving experiences. DOW’s partnership is also outlining a mentoring program for future Mustang engineers.

WOCCISD Announces Two Initiatives in Support of Black Lives Matter Movement

in Schools
WOCCISD Teachers Receive a Raise

The West Orange Cove Consolidated Independent School District issued the following statement today to support the Black Lives Matter movement:

In light of the current social unrest in our country, and recognizing that we serve a diverse community, the West Orange Cove CISD Board of Trustees and superintendent, with much thought and deliberation, would like to state our position. As champions for all children, we stand firm that ‘Black Lives Matter.”

Our mission is to transform lives through an exceptional educational experience. Our mission calls us to support, educate, and ensure a positive representation for all WOCCISD students. As a district, we will respond to this crisis of social injustice as we responded to the crisis of Hurricane Harvey, Tropical Storm Imelda, and COVID-19. Our response, then and now, will be to provide support to any of our staff or students that need emotional, mental, and physical health that this crisis may bring.

Additionally, our response calls for us to educate our students and ensure that our students are aware of their complete history. Our Board of Trustees approved the offering of an African American studies as a course at West Orange-Stark High School beginning this fall 2020. Without a proper understanding of the past, it is difficult to understand the present and the future.

To that end, we are compelled to ensure that our students are always represented positively. Many refer to our football’s team defensive unit as the “Chain Gang.”  Due to the negative historical root of the phrase, we will no longer refer to our defensive unit as the “Chain Gang.” From this moment forward,  we will be the “Blue Link” defense. We desire to exhibit appropriate leadership and to guide our students on the path of political and social awareness by demonstrating sensitivity while maintaining a safe and productive educational environment. 

WOCCISD Provides Summer Meals

in Schools
WOCCISD Provides Summer Meals
The West Orange-Cove School District Children’s Nutrition Services will continue to provide meals to children Monday through Thursday during the summer. Foodservice will be held at West Orange-Stark High School from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, and bus delivery at regular stops from 11 am to 1 pm. Each child will get three meals for the day consisting of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Note that you CAN NOT receive a meal for a child who is not present. Kids MUST be present to receive meals.

Free Summer Courses at Lamar State College Orange

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Lamar State College Orange Tuition Capped by TSUS Board of Regents

Lamar State College Orange wants to assist every student during this time of uncertainty and economic unrest. Therefore, during the summer 2020 semester, we will continue providing our students with the hope of a productive and secure future by offering all students – new and returning – the opportunity to pursue their educational goals and enroll in TWO SUMMER COURSES FOR FREE!

The tuition and fees for two 3-credit hour courses in the Summer 2020 semester will be paid for every Texas and Louisiana student who completes and submits a 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and uses LSCO’s school code 016748.

Note: Students who qualify for a Pell Grant and/or other grants will have the tuition and fees for the two free Summer 2020 semester courses paid by their financial aid award. Any student who does not qualify for a Pell Grant and/or other grants will have the tuition and fees for the two free Summer 2020 semester courses paid by LSCO institutional or grant funds. Some courses offer free textbooks (open source).

Steps to apply and register for Summer 2020 semester courses:

  • New students. Complete and submit the Admissions Application ( for the summer of 2020.
  • All students. Complete and submit the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 Financial Aid Application ( Use LSCO’s school code 016748.
  • All students. Register for summer classes at LSCO
  • New students must meet with an advisor virtually or by phone to register.
  • Continuing students can register directly through their self-service account.

More details can be found here.

Lamar State College Orange to Distribute Emergency Student Financial Aid

in Schools
Lamar State College Orange Tuition Capped by TSUS Board of Regents

Lamar State College Orange (LSCO) will receive $521,660 in emergency financial aid via the CARES Federal Economic Stimulus Package.

Emergency grants will be made available to LSCO students that submit an application and:

  • Have incurred expenses related to the disruption of LSCO campus activities related to COVID-19;
  • Were enrolled at LSCO during the spring 2020 semester in at least one face-to-face class, face-to-face lab, or clinical course on or prior to March 13, 2020;
  • Filed a 2019-2020 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) OR will complete and file a FAFSA on or before applying for financial aid emergency funds in addition to meeting all of the following criteria:
    • U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen that is otherwise eligible to receive federal Title IV aid;
    • Assigned a valid Social Security number;
    • Registered with the Selective Service (if required);
    • Not have a conviction for the possession or sale of illegal drugs;
    • Completed a high school diploma, General Educational Development (GED), or approved homeschool diploma;
    • Enrolled in a degree-seeking program during the spring 2020 semester;
    • Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) guidelines;
    • Not be in default with any federal student loans or owe an overpayment on any federal grants;

Submit your application for Emergency Financial Aid Funds here.

Student applications for Student Emergency Financial Aid will be available to LSCO students between May 1, 2020, and May 15, 2020. Students may complete the application for Student Emergency Financial Aid in an online electronic form available on the LSCO Webpage. Students who meet the eligibility criteria but do not complete the application for Student Emergency Financial Aid will not be considered for award.

Students who submit the application for Student Emergency Financial Aid during the application period and who meet the eligibility criteria will be awarded a minimum of $500, pending availability of funds.

LSCO will disburse funds to eligible students on or before May 29, 2020.

  • Awards of $500 will serve approximately 1040 LSCO students;
  • Awards of $700 will serve approximately 745 LSCO students;
  • Awards of $1000 will serve approximately 520 LSCO students.

Students will be notified via their LSCO student email of their award status on or before May 27, 2020. If approved, emergency financial aid funds will be disbursed to LSCO students in the following manner:

  • LSCO Students who have direct deposit information on file will be paid via direct deposit;
  • Checks will be mailed to all LSCO students who do not have direct deposit information on file.

Submit your application for Emergency Financial Aid Funds here.

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