United Way Sponsoring Non-Profit Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Workshop

in Business

Nonprofits rely on volunteers, but do you know if you are running an effective program? In this fun and fast-paced program, participants will review all aspects of an effective, dynamic, and results-based volunteer program. If you have never taken a volunteer management course, you are invited to take the upcoming course, The Four R’s of Volunteer Management; Recruitment, Recognition, Retention = Revenue sponsored by United Way of Orange County (UWOC).  This course is especially well-suited for nonprofit executive directors who play a pivotal role in the success of your volunteer management program.

During this session:

  • Participants will learn how to ensure that they can recruit not only the volunteers they want but also the ones they need!
  • Participants will learn the basics of volunteer recognition and why it is an essential element of your program.
  • Participants will learn about volunteer management’s “dirty little secret” and how this might be overcome.

The program will be held on August 18, 2022, from 9:00 AM through 12:00 PM at Lamar State College Orange, Stark Nursing and Classroom Building, Room 102. Program cost is $50 per person or $25 per person for UWOC partner agencies. Registration is available online.

The course will be taught by Mary Beth Harrington. For over 30 years, Mary Beth Harrington has been one of the nonprofit sector’s most passionate supporters. Her career path is unique, as she has not focused on one sector. Rather, she has worked with all nonprofits from Aids to zoos and everything in between; usually providing training most notably as Director of Curriculum & Development at the San Antonio Area Foundation, Director of Agency Relations at the Volunteer Center of North Texas, and as Director of Community Outreach at the Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations (TANO).

Harrington’s presentations are based on the knowledge she has gained working with hundreds of nonprofits as well as her own experiences as Executive Director at the Austin Public Library Foundation, Volunteer Coordinator at the Dallas Public Library, member of numerous nonprofit boards, and Director of Marketing at BloodCare (now Carter BloodCare) where her nonprofit career began.

A passionate expert for the nonprofit sector, Harrington crisscrosses the country articulating issues facing our nonprofit community; urging nonprofits to welcome new leadership, collaborate to be more effective, and develop their boards to be more sustainable. A much sought-after speaker, her presentations are characterized as energetic, thought-provoking, and content-rich. (So, hang onto your seats!)

Harrington was born and raised in Dallas but recently moved to the Pacific Northwest as she got tired of the hot sunny days in Texas! When not speaking on behalf of nonprofits, Harrington spends time with her husband Rick, her grown children Kaylee and Chris as well as her “puppies” Rugby Roo and Truly Scrumptious.

For more info, call 409-883-3591.



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