8 New Volunteers Sworn in as Advocate for Kids in Foster Care

Three New Board Members Elected to CASA Board of Directors

in Local Roundup

Three new individuals were recently elected to the CASA of the Sabine Neches Region Board of Directors – Darci Piel, Margaret Adams, and Cody Nance

“We are excited to welcome Mrs. Piel, Mrs. Adams, and Mr. Nance to our board of directors,” said Codie Vasquez Executive Director. “Each of these new board members brings their own, very-unique talents to our program and covers different geographic areas of our program.

The board governs the CASA of the Sabine Neches Region, a nonprofit organization that provides trained volunteer advocates for children who are in the foster care system due to allegations of abuse or neglect. There are 41 professionally trained volunteers serving 113 children in foster care in 6 surrounding counties that include: Orange, Hardin, Jasper, Sabine, Newton, and Tyler counties.

“It is humbling to work with a group of individuals focused on directing a positive and lasting impact for our community to ensure that every child lives in a safe and loving home. I am dedicated to continuing to grow the organization, implementing effective policies and programs to ensure that our advocates are equipped with all the necessary resources to support our children,” said Adams.

CASA volunteers with CASA of the Sabine Neches Region are specially trained and appointed by judges to advocate for a child or sibling group while they are in the foster care system. They advocate for the child in court, school, and other settings; and get to know everyone involved in the child’s life, including their parents, foster parents, teachers, doctors, family members, and others.

CASA volunteers advocate first and foremost for children to be reunified with their parents whenever safe and possible. When reunification is not an option, they may advocate for the child to live with another relative or family friend. They can also advocate for the child to be placed in an adoptive home. In all cases, CASA volunteers are steadfast, consistent presences for the children they serve, making sure they are safe and have the resources and connections they need to grow and thrive.

It is the goal of CASA of the Sabine Neches Region and the other CASA programs in Texas to provide a CASA volunteer for every child in foster care across the state.

For more information about CASA of the Sabine Neches Region and how to become a CASA volunteer, visit www.casasnr.org.