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Orange Community Players

First United Methodist and Orange Community Players Co-Hosting Dinner Theatre

in Dining/Events
First United Methodist and Orange Community Players Co-Hosting Dinner Theatre

First United Methodist Church and the Orange Community Players will join forces to produce to elegant evenings of fine dining and theatrical entertainment on Thursday and Friday, August 8th and 9th at 6:30 p.m. Codie Vasquez and Paul Burch, members of both the First United Methodist Church and Orange Community Players Board of Directors, will direct the production, which is dedicated to colleague Joshua Scales.

The dinner will be produced by Doug Rogers and volunteers from the church. Your $50 donation includes the show and the gourmet candlelight dinner.

The four-course dinner begins with your choice of soup (tomato bisque or cream of potato), deluxe garden salad with creamy balsamic vinaigrette dressing, entree choice (roasted tenderloin of beef or grilled filet of red snapper with baked russet) and a choice of spring medley of vegetables or asparagus ala Doug. and dessert, coffee, and tea.

Reservations should be made by Friday, August 2 by calling the First United Methodist Church office at 409-885-7466 or emailing or When making a reservation for one or more persons the following information will be needed: name and night, soup, entree desired, vegetable desired and any dairy restrictions.

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