Frey’s Landscape – Orange Worthy News and Local Events – Things to Do in Orange County Texas
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Frey’s Landscape

Mallorie Henning of Frey’s Landscape Helps Southeast Texas Businesses and Homeowners Maintain Green Lawns and Lush Outdoor Spaces

in Podcast
Mallorie Henning of Frey’s Landscape Helps Southeast Texas Businesses and Homeowners Maintain Green Lawns and Lush Outdoor Spaces

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Native Orange resident Mallorie Frey Henning, General Manager/Sales Manager of Frey’s Landscape in Orange, has inherited her green thumb naturally. She is the third generation to work in this family business started by her grandparents and passed along to her parents and now to her.

Mallorie and her siblings grew up and worked in the business from a very young age, providing landscaping and lawn maintenance services all around Orange and throughout Southeast Texas.

Listen in as Mallorie reveals her “diamonds to dirt” story, as well as some great home landscaping tips to make the outside of your home lush and beautiful and the envy of all your neighbors.

Contact Mallorie Frey Henning

Phone: (409) 883-7397





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