Left to right: Kacey Burnitt, Brittney Johnson, Jared Wilson, Terrie Salter, and Grover Roberts III.

Orange Lions Clubs Installs New Officers

in Events

The Orange Lions Club held their new officer installation Monday Night. Incoming officers include new President Terrie Salter, First Vice President Grover Roberts III, Second Vice President Jared Wilson, and Third Vice President Brittney Johnson.

Awards were also given at the event.  The Lion of the Year: Award went to Chris Horner and the Rookie of the Year Award went to Bubba Tipton.

The Orange Lions Club is a community service organization that is part of Lions Clubs International. Their mission is to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

Locally, the Orange Lions Club sponsors:

  • Eye Glasses/Vision Screenings for Qualifying Residents of Orange, TX
  • Charity Carnival
  • Texas Lions Camp
  • Back to School Orange County TX
  • Cops and Kids
  • Support a number of local charities
  • Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Christmas
  • Holiday Food Baskets
  • Special Friends Day at Carnival
  • White Cane Day

They are always seeking new members. For more information or to get involved, contact them at 409-779-3643 or by email at orangelionsclub@gmail.com.