Orange County Receives $51,171 for Food and Shelter Programs

Orange County United Way Hosting 2nd Annual Chili Cookoff Fundraiser

in Business/Events

Orange County United Way is hosting its second annual Chili Cookoff on Thursday, November 7t, 2019,  from 11:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m at the Dow Business Center (formerly DERA).  Last year this event was held for their Corporate Partners on Chemical Row. This year they are expanding to include ALL local businesses.

Pre-orders will be accepted by Friday, November 1, and you will pay only $7 for a bowl of chili, crackers and soft drinks or bottled water. Chili is $10 at the door.

Pre-orders will be provided by Old Orange Cafe. Delivery will be available for pre-orders of 10 or more.  Wristbands for $20 are available to taste all the chili entries and receive one bowl of chili, crackers and a drink. Participants will meet and greet partner agency representatives and have a chance to win door prizes. All chili proceeds benefit United Way of Orange County.

For questions or to pre-order contact 409-883-3598 or email


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