Old Orange Cafe Latest in Business Upgrades in Orange

in Business

Orange is experiencing an economic renaissance, marked by a significant influx of revenue, thanks to a recent business boom. The city’s Economic Development Corporation (EDC) is channeling this newfound wealth into community development, providing financial assistance to local businesses for repairs and expansions in an effort to attract more commerce and tourism. Half a percent of every sales tax dollar generated within Orange is allocated to a special fund. This fund is dedicated to supporting local enterprises in maintaining their competitive edge.

The latest of these ventures is the recent repaving of the parking lot of the Old Orange Café, owned by local chef David Claybar, located at 914 Division Ave. in Orange.

Hillary Gravett, Assistant Economic Development Coordinator, emphasized the scope of the EDC’s support, “We can help with funding for things like parking lots and water and sanitary sewer things like that.” This initiative aims to empower business owners within the city limits to seek out improvements and expansions that could enhance their operational capacity and market presence.

Gravett further explained the broader impact of these enhancements, “There are businesses that are already existing that are going through some type of expansion mode, where they may want to be adding onto their business. They may want to expand their business to what it is, and help give it a larger footprint.”

The EDC’s incentive program operates year-round, with a notable spike in interest following Chevron’s move into the area. “Since the announcement we have noticed an increase of inquiries and it’s just a really exciting time in Orange,” Gravett remarked. However, she cautions potential applicants about the finite nature of the funds, advising swift action to secure support for their projects.

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