Hunter Education Course Offered in Orange

in Local Roundup

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Orange County, will host the Hunter’s Education Classroom course on July 25 and August 9, 2024. offered by Texas Parks and Wildlife.

This course is designed for novice or young hunters ages nine years and above. The course covers the core competencies of firearm and hunting safety, hunting ethics, and wildlife conservation. All materials are provided. The Hunter Education Classroom Course lasts a maximum of 6 hours of classroom instruction. This time does not include registration, breaks, test administration, and certification card distribution. Courses are offered across the state year-round and are taught by certified volunteer instructors. The instructor will be Frances Woods.

The class will be from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., and lunch will be provided. There will be 25 seats available. The class will cost $25 per student, and pre-registration is required.

Register for the July class here.

Register for the August class here.

If you have any questions, call (409)882-7010.