Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Offering Virtual Canning Classes

Food Safety Conference Scheduled

in Events

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office of Orange County and the Orange County Environmental Health and Code Compliance Office are hosting the 2022 Food Safety Conference: Unmasking Your Potential on August 2, 2022,  from 9 am until 3 pm at the Orange County Convention and Expo Center at 11475 FM 1442 in Orange.

This is a free event geared toward food service establishments and cafeterias. The topics will include Roach Control, Cow Milking Demo, Grilling Food Safety, How to Pass Inspections, and hands-on activities. There will be a continental breakfast and a lunch will be provided. A Food Handlers Course will be held at 3:00 pm after the conference.

The deadline to register is June 29.

The Food Handlers Course will also be offered from 3-5 PM for $20.

Click this link to register for the conference.

Call the Extension office at 409-882-7010 if you have any questions or just want to register for the Food Handlers Course only.