West Orange Schedules Spring Cleanup

City of West Orange to Conduct Smoke Testing of Sanitary Sewer Lines

in Local Roundup

In the coming weeks, Schaumburg & Polk, Inc. will conduct smoke testing on the sanitary sewer lines in West Orange. Residents in the areas near Newton, Stevenson, Smith, Peach, Austin, Quincy, Pearson, Lawndale, Westmore, and Greenbriar streets, as well as those on adjacent branching streets, should be aware of this testing. The purpose of the smoke test is to identify leaks within the sanitary sewer system.

Residents may observe smoke coming from the ground or from vents on the tops of houses. This is a normal part of the testing process, and there is no need for alarm. Crews will be in the area performing the tests.

To help prevent smoke from entering your home or business, please pour approximately one gallon of water down any drains that are not frequently used. This will fill the plumbing traps and reduce the chance of smoke entering the building. If smoke does enter through your inside plumbing, it may indicate a plumbing leak that needs attention, and residents should consider contacting a licensed plumber.

The smoke used in this testing is non-toxic and poses no health risk to residents. Testing will occur in your neighborhood within the next few working days after receiving this notice.

For further information or if you have any questions, please contact Russell Love at (409)-883-4003 or Schaumburg & Polk, Inc. at (409)-866-0341.