Baptist Hospitals of SETX Establishes COVID Infusion Centers

in Local Roundup

Baptist Hospitals of SETX has assisted in bringing together a 4-county effort to combat the devastating COVID-19 virus. As a result, treatment for Covid-19 is now available at a regional location where patients will receive Regeneron, either by infusion or injection.

The infusion center is located at 5500 Eastex Fwy in Beaumont. It serves as an outpatient infusion treatment center for adults and children ages 12 and up. The infusion center for COVID-19 patients is operational seven days a week from 7:00 am through 7:00 pm.

Those who qualify must be within 10 days of symptom onset, not oxygen dependent for COVID-19, and at least 65 years of age or considered high risk due to comorbidity.

Your primary care physician will schedule the infusion. If you test positive and do not have a doctor, you may call the hotline to schedule an appointment at (409)550-2536. Press option 1 for the infusion center. Callers are encouraged to keep dialing if confronted with a busy signal. Patients must be confirmed COVID-19 positive before contacting the center. The calls will be screened by medical personnel for eligibility and individuals will be given an appointment date and time.