Thanks so much for subscribing! You’ll hear from us every Friday with new events and news in the Orange Local area.

First, I’d like to ask you to join our private Facebook group. In this group, you can ask questions, post about events from your business or organization, and get quickly notified of upcoming news and events in Orange County. Go here to join:

Secondly, in the next 5-10 minutes, you will receive an email from us at with a link to this week’s upcoming events.

The subject line will read, “Here’s your list of local events in Orange County!”

To make sure you get our emails, please whitelist our email address,, following the instructions below for your email provider:

For Gmail:

  1. Click the gear icon in Gmail and select “See all settings” from the Quick Settings menu.
  2. Navigate to “Filters and Blocked Addresses” in the top menu.
  3. Select “Create a new filter.”
  4. Add in the “From” field.
  5. Click “Create filter.”
  6. Check “Never send it to Spam” in the checkbox.
  7. Click “Create filter.”
  8. You’ve created your whitelist in Gmail!

For Outlook:

  1. Click the gear icon in Outlook and select “View all Outlook settings.”
  2. Select “Mail” from the settings menu.
  3. Choose “Junk email” from the submenu.
  4. Click “Add” under “Safe senders and domains.”
  5. Enter
  6. Choose “Save.”
  7. You’ve created your whitelist in Outlook!

For Yahoo:

  1. Open Yahoo Mail and log into your account.
  2. Navigate to “Settings,” then click “More Settings.”
  3. Select “Filters” and hit “Add” to enter the email you’d like to whitelist.
  4. Name the filter and add
  5. Select to send all mail to “Inbox.”
  6. Save your settings.
  7. You’ve created your whitelist in Yahoo!

For AOL:

  1. Log in to your AOL account.
  2. Open “Contacts” from the left navigation pane.
  3. Click the “New Contact” icon and add
  4. Click the “Add Contact” button, and you’re set.
  5. You’ve created your whitelist in AOL!

If, for some reason, you don’t see the email, please check your spam folder and then follow the instructions above to whitelist our email address.