Tara Tyndell of Tidy Spaces Gets Homes and Businesses Organized in Southeast Texas – Orange Worthy News and Local Events – Things to Do in Orange County Texas
Tara Tyndell of Tidy Spaces Gets Homes and Businesses Organized in Southeast Texas

Tara Tyndell of Tidy Spaces Gets Homes and Businesses Organized in Southeast Texas

in Podcast

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Tara Tyndell is a Professional Organizer and owner of Tidy Spaces. She has been organizing since childhood. Tidy Spaces was born from a series of conversations, and encouragement of friends, a love of business, and the drive to impact others in a positive way. She specializes in providing organizing and productivity solutions for your home, business, and life.

Listen as Tara talks about her love of organizing and shares some great tips to get you home, business and life in order.

Contact Tara Tyndell

Phone: 409-238-9673

Address (opening Oct. 2019)
2496 MLK Drive Apt E (1.97 mi)
Orange, Texas 77630

Website: https://www.tarastidyspaces.com/

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/tarastidyspaces/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tarastidyspaces

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tidy-spaces-bab33a180/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tarastidyspaces/

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