Kacey Burnitt Shows Her Community Pride as Co-Chair of the 79th Annual Orange Lions Club Carnival

Kacey Burnitt Shows Her Community Pride as Co-Chair of the 79th Annual Orange Lions Club Carnival

in Podcast

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Orange native Kacey Burnitt has been attending the Orange Lions Club Carnival since she was a child. Now, as Vice President of the Orange Lions Club and Carnival Co-Chair, she has gained a whole new perspective on what it takes to pull off the 79th Annual Orange Lions Club carnival.

The 2019 Carnival dates are Oct. 16-19 and Oct. 23-26, 2019. Opening night has been canceled due to weather on Oct. 16 and has been rescheduled for Oct. 17 at the time of this broadcast.

Listen as Kacey shares her love and passion for the Orange Lions Club and the Lions Club Carnival and spills the beans on the can’t-miss eats at this year’s event.

Contact Kacey Burnitt and the Orange Lions Club

Website: http://www.orangetxlions.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OrangeTexasLionsClub




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