Orange Worthy is your #1 local resource providing news, events and happenings for the community in and around Orange, TX.

Own a local business? You can help by becoming a sponsor – we help by bringing exposure to your business and increasing your clients and you help us continue to bring news and events to the Orange, TX area.

Also, we include features on some of the best local businesses and goings-on in Orange. We have some great ways to help get the word out about your business, event and more! Below is our services and pricing. Please feel free to contact us with any questions!

Our Community

We are currently getting over 200 visitors per day to our website. Each of our business ads is typically shown to viewers over 10,000 times per month! Each Facebook post is typically averaging around 500 views as well

Current subscribers: 1100

Facebook Page Followers: 4200

Facebook Page Reach 37.9K

Local Media Advertising Services

Viral Giveaway Contest Package

  • Create massive buzz for your local business with our viral giveaway contest.
  • Your promo will be seen by thousands of local residents and visitors to the area.
  • We design a custom post image with your logo and set up the text of the contest.
  • Our automated viral contest system will automatically send each person who enters your giveaway contest a special offer for your business at the beginning of the contest.
  • Target Facebook ads to Orange and the surrounding area during the contest.
  • We announce the winner with a business mention on our FB page

Cost is $499 plus gift card (we recommend a minimum of $25) and Facebook Ad Spend  (we recommend $20/day)

Here’s a sample of two recent contests that we ran on our page in August 2019.

Social Media Buzz Post Package

  • Promote your local business, event or organization on our highly engaged social channel.
  • You give us the idea and we create the post, ad copy and use pictures you want.

Cost is $49 per post

or $119 for 3 posts.

  • Can run one post 3 times or three different posts

Local Presence Package

  • 1 post per month on our Facebook Page (can include business information, special offer, photo/video, link to website/FB page)
  • Business ad featured on our weekly eNewsletter (with link to website or FB business page) for 2 issues
  • Business banner ad on our website with link
  • Mention as sponsor in intro to Orange Worthy Radio podcast on one episode

Cost is $99/month

$499 for 6 months (save $100 over monthly)

  • 1 post per month on our Facebook Page (can include business information, special offer, photo/video, link to website/FB page)
  • Business ad featured on our weekly eNewsletter (with link to website or FB business page) for 12 issues
  • Business banner ad on our website with link
  • Mention as sponsor in intro to Orange Worthy Radio podcast on 6 episodes

$997 for 12 months (save $200 over monthly)

  • 1 post per month on our Facebook Page (can include business information, special offer, photo/video, link to website/FB page)
  • Business ad featured on our weekly eNewsletter (with link to website or FB business page) for 24 issues
  • Business banner ad on our website with link
  • Mention as sponsor in intro to Orange Worthy Radio podcast on 12 episodes

Local Birthday Blitz Package

  • Target Orange area residents with upcoming birthdays with your special offer.
  • These offers are redeemable and trackable via Facebook messenger. (Offer can be changed monthly)
  • Create massive buzz for your local business.
  • Your promo will be seen by thousands of local residents.
  • We design a custom post image with your logo and set up the text of the promo.
  • Our automated viral system will automatically send each person who responds to a special offer for your business for their birthday.
  • Target Facebook ads to Orange and the surrounding area.

Cost is $299 per month plus Facebook Ad Spend (we recommend $10/day)




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